
Expert in the areas of Investor Relations, Corporate and Financial Communications and Business Opportunities.

BA in Journalism from Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). Carlos also holds a Masters Degree in Business Information from the UCM and a second Masters in Health Journalism from Fundadeps also from UCM. He has worked as Economics Affairs Journalist for leading Spanish Media like Expansión, Cinco Días, Emprendedores, Onda Cero and El Mundo.

In the past several years, he has worked as a consultant for Financial Issues, leading projects for Endesa, Electrolux, Bankia, Google, Abertis or Telecom Italia. He has also been in charge of communication for several investment funds. Carlos has written several books (mainly about the Economy) and has created two financial blogs and his own company.


I am a senior analyst and consultant in the fields of Investor Relations, Corporate and Financial Communications, Corporate Strategy and New Business Opportunities. Proven knowledge in several areas of the economy, such as savings and investment, financial results, stock listings, the business segment and risk assets.

Analytical capability to decide the best lobbying and communications strategy to strategically position a company within its sector, as well as to professionally manage possible crisis situations. Strategic capability to identify the different target audiences for the company, as well as the media that is best suited to influence them.

Excellent capability to select and commit to words the main corporate messages in the different press documents, without forgetting a natural ability to establish relationships and fruitful negotiations with the different target audiences.

Strong personality and positive outlook. Capable of tackling multiple tasks and complex projects, working under pressure or in close proximity to the client, favouring the establishment of a peaceful atmosphere. Wide contact base. Delivery of exceptional results.


Estudié Periodismo en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2000-2004), desde donde llegué tras obtener la máxima calificación -cum laude- en el Bachillerato Internacional que realicé en en el IES Ramiro de Maeztu (1998-2000). Poseo dos Masters, uno en Información Económica (Universidad Complutense - 2005/06) y otro en Periodismo Sanitario (Hospital Clínico de Madrid – 2005/07).

Profesionalmente, comencé a trabajar como becario en distintos medios de comunicación (Onda Cero – 2002, Agencia Efe – 2003, El Mundo – 2004, – 2005). En 2006 me incorporé a Analistas Financieros Internacionales, en donde llegué a ser Jefe de Prensa y Editor de la revista Empresa Global (mensual, 64 páginas a color, 15.000 ejemplares). Además, me especialicé en fondos de inversión y planes de pensiones, mediante la realización de informes específicos y planes de negocio a tal efecto para entidades financieras.

En 2008, me incorporé a Expansión, como redactor de la sección de Economía, especializándome en la redacción de artículos sobre inversión, crisis económica y productos financieros. Además, comencé a colaborar en la realización de reportajes sobre temas financieros en revistas como Emprendedores, Logismarket, Vía Inmobiliaria o Capital. También participé en el rediseño de la web de información económica, perteneciente a Mediaset España.